Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ringing in Spring

Walking into Beckman room 206A I asked myself, "what is info systems?" I found that during the first lecture, it's quite relavent to my life. Familiar with technology at a surface level, I think this class will expose me to an array of information that will be pertinent to my career path as an entrepreneur in the future. Do I think it will be a breeze? No. In fact it may be a "Tuggle juggle", but I look forward to learning where IS can assist me and be utilized within business.


  1. Yasmin:
    TuggleJuggle...I kind of like that, and I've never heard it before--so kudos on originality.
    You're going to have to teach me how to pronounce your last name--it has too many vowels for me...sorry....
    How about posting a recognizable head and shoulders photo so I stand a chance of knowing who you are when I run into you outside of class?
    And, home is where? (FYI, my home is nowhere--I moved around too much as a kid--I think I'll use that fact in my next "Two Truths and a Lie" quiz.)

  2. Dr. Tuggle,

    The last name is pretty simple - the "oui" at the end is pronounced like the french oui, for yes! (my last name is Moroccan). So SEFRI-WEE is the correct pronunciation. I think I should start keeping score of who pronounces it correctly on the first try..I think there have only been about 2 people, so don't feel bad :)

    As for home, I'm from Seattle WA - had to get away from the rain!

    I'll post a picture shortly.

  3. Thanks for your help with your name.

    Now, where in Morocco are you from, and where in Seattle? I spent about a week in Rabat, Fez, and Al-Aquaine (spelling?). And, I have/had relatives in West Seattle, the University district, and Burien....

  4. Wow!

    Actually I have only been to northern Morocco - I took the ferry down from Spain when I visited! My dad was born in Fez but grew up in Casablanca.

    As for me, I was born and raised in Bellevue and now my home is in Woodinville (suburbia!)
