This morning, we discussed whether a problem or crisis would be necessary in order to utilize artificial intelligence. I find that many people would believe this to be the case, but in my opinion, I think that a "need" is a sufficient enough reason to implement and utilize artificial intelligence. A company can certainly benefit from using AI to make its operations more efficient, even if they are already successful and fully functioning without problem. In my studies in entrepreneurship it is repeatedly said that entrepreneurs are those who either find a solution to a problem, or solve an industry need in advance. This is in line with artificial intelligence, as both cases can apply to either solving a crisis, or simply solving a perceived need in advance.
It is clear that being a "second mover" is beneficial, as you can execute your plan by example of the first mover, thus making modifications to what the first mover has already tried/done. Are there any disadvantages of being a second mover? Could the second mover make changes to the first mover's products or services that are unnecessary and not accepted well by the public? It would also be interesting to look at the success rates of first movers compared to second movers, in regards to whether the second mover sees more success in their products/services.
Today I gave a tech news report about the Google CEO having a vision of the future that the search engine would give people answers without them searching -- if they like a certain cuisine, Google would notify their phone of sueggested restaurants around the area they are near. Clearly the individual would have to program the things they like into their phone or Google, or Google would pick up on common searches and make assumptions based on that. It does make me concerned that eventually businesses will pay to have their name shown for certain categories, thus making the results less genuine and tailored to the individual's I definitely do not think this is a matter of making things convenient for Google users, but just another way for Google to capitalize off of marketing.